Recently I've been having a craving for comfort food. And by comfort food I don't mean food, per se, but culture. Comfort literature, comfort music, comfort ... films?
Yes. Oh, yes. All of which leads me back to
The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
Originally a book written by Lauren Weisberger, the film chronicles the life of Andy Sachs, a recent college graduate who goes to work for
Runway magazine--a stand-in for
Vogue--as the assistant of the Editor-in-Chief. Anne Hathaway is Andy, and the Editor-in-Chief is played by Meryl Streep. Who, if you extrapolate, is a stand-in for the
real Editor-in-Chief of
Vogue. Are you kind of getting the picture?
I think I am. |
As a movie it's very nice, very chic, and so incredibly over the top. Andy, confused journalism fuzzball, has a sweet, cute boyfriend and all the ambition in the world. She would never take advantage of anyone! Ever! That Anne Hathaway has extraordinarily large eyes makes everything she says seem more earnest and believable, if slightly cloying.
Fortunately it's also very, very funny. What elements aren't generalities--the GBF, the anonymous NYC streets--are, rich, precise and cutting.
The subject matter is almost beside the point; as a non-fashionista I still find the references hilarious. Meryl as Miranda is as wonderful as you would expect, redheaded Emily Blunt isn't bad, and did I mention the cute boyfriend, Adrian Grenier? What the movie lacks in character it more than makes up for in substance.
Like gourmet macaroni and cheese, you know it's not very good for you, but it's simply too delicious to pass up. I mean, there's a supermodel cameo, ferchrissakes.
"Serena" |
Not everything about
The Devil Wears Prada is good. Some parts positively creep me out (Christian Thompson, I'm looking at you), and I will never appreciate the message that the number '4' is better than the number '6.' On the whole, though, it's worth spending some time on--one hour and 46 minutes' worth, to be exact.
One more thing for today: I've been thinking about the best way to send out notifications for when the blog is updated--right now I send out updates via my Twitter but for those not so twitterpated, what do you think of a Facebook fan page? Or an email listserv? If you have an opinion on the matter drop it in the comments below.
That's all. |